A wrapper for the API of the Open source Enterprise Social Network of eXo Platform. It covers the Social REST API, which is badly documented.
It is entirely built from TypeScript and fully tested. API responses are typed, so you can get full auto-completion in your code editor.
This project is dependency-free.
yarn add exoplatform-api-wrapper
# or
npm i exoplatform-api-wrapper
The example below shows how to get activities available in a user's feed.
import ExoPlatformWrapper from 'exoplatform-api-wrapper'
const setup = async () => {
const exoWrapper = new ExoPlatformWrapper('www.example.com')
await exoWrapper.login('myUsername', 'myPassword')
const { activities } = await exoWrapper.user.readStream()
See rigwild.github.io/exoplatform-api-wrapper.
Full API coverage/example is available in the automated tests: ./test/tests.ts
You must configure the tests by setting the following environment variables.
Environment variable | Description | Required | Default | Example |
eXo Platform social network hostname (no protocol://) | ✅ | www.example.com |
eXo Platform API path | ❌ | /rest |
/exo/platform/rest |
eXo Platform account username | ✅ | myUser |
eXo Platform account password | ✅ | myPassword |
SSL protocol to use (do not touch if you don't know what it is!!) | ❌ | undefined |
TLSv1_method |
SSL ciphers to use (do not touch if you don't know what it is!!) | ❌ | undefined |
AES128-SHA |
Then, you can run the tests:
yarn test
# or
npm run test
The author of this library is not affiliated in any way with eXo Platform.
If you found a bug or want any features not available yet, feel free to open an issue documentating the problem.
You may also contribute to the project by opening a Pull Request.
Generated using TypeDoc