Hostname of the API (don't include protocol or path)
Path to the eXo REST API, /rest
by default
SSL protocol to use (don't set if you don't know what it is!!)
SSL ciphers to use (don't set if you don't know what it is!!)
SSL ciphers to use (don't set if you don't know what it is!!)
Hostname of the API (don't include protocol or path)
Path to the eXo REST API, /rest
by default
SSL protocol to use (don't set if you don't know what it is!!)
eXo Platform password
eXo Platform username
Set login credentials and check validity.
eXo Platform username
eXo Platform password
Should the eXo Platform credentials be checked
Make an API call to eXo Platform configured API.
Path to the API endpoint
Request body object
HTTP request method
Any options to inject in the request options
The API's response
Make an authenticated API call to the eXo Platform configured API.
Same as this.request
Same as this.request
Operations related to activities
Edit an activity. Must have write-access.
Id of the targeted activity
List of publications
Get an activity. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted activity
Activity content
Get list of activities.
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Activities list
Delete an activity. Must have write-access.
Activity content
Operations related to an activity's comments
Comment an activity. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted activity
Comment to add
Comment content
Edit a comment. Must have write-access.
Id of the targeted comment
New comment
Comment content
Get activity comments. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted activity
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Activity comments
Delete a comment. Must have write-access.
Id of the targeted comment
Comment content
Operations related to an activity's likes
Like an activity. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted activity
Activity content
Get activity likers. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted activity
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Activity likers
Remove a like from an activity. Must have permission to delete the targetted like.
Id of the targeted activity
Id of the user to remove the like from (if you are admin). Defaults to current logged in user
Activity content
Operations related to a space's stream activity
Create a space. Must have write-access.
Data of the space to create
Newly created space
Edit a space data. Must have write-access.
The targetted space id
New data of the spam
New space data
Get a space's data. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted space
Space's data
List available spaces.
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Publish on a spaces's activity stream. Must have write-access.
Id of the targeted space
Message to publish
Newly created publication
Read a spaces's activity stream. Must have read-access.
Id of the targeted space
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
List of publications
Delete a space. Must have write-access.
The targetted space id
Old space data
Operations related to a user's stream activity
List users.
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Users list
publish on a user's activity stream. Can only be your own profile.
Message to publish
Newly created publication
Read a user's activity stream.
Id of the targeted user. Defaults to current logged in user
Amount of content to fetch
Offset for the content fetched
Activities list
Generated using TypeDoc
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